Capitalization: Basic Rules
Capitalization Rules
There are many capitalization rules in the English language. Among the many, the following ten are some of the basic capitalization rules you’ll come across when learning grammar and mechanics.

Capitalize the word “I.”

Capitalize the first word of every sentence.

Capitalize the proper names of people.

Capitalize a person’s title when followed by the name, takes the place of the person’s name, or is used in direct address.

Capitalize the proper names of specific places (streets, cities, states, lakes, mountains, etc.).

Capitalize words used to name a region like “the South” but do not capitalize directions (points on a compass).

Capitalize company/brand names, school names, or organizations used as nouns or adjectives.

Capitalize religious holidays, texts, and religions.

Capitalize the first letter and all the major words in a title (not prepositions or articles).

Capitalize specific holidays, months of the year, and days of the week, but NOT seasons.

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